
2012年9月25日 星期二

感冒白皮書 [感冒防治.治療]

美國最新研究揭露感冒三真相 感冒後9件事必做

Nine nursing a cold way: dark chocolate can relieve a cough 


Cold is the most common form of disease, but had a cold the rule, or as some people say that carrying until it natural healing? I am afraid that no one can say the answer. In a variety of natural therapies to combat influenza, oranges, and chicken soup which is more effective, or that the hungry eat, chocolate and milk can not touch ... ... which also makes it difficult to distinguish between true and false divergent.


three cold truth 

美國威斯康星大學醫學與公共衛生學院2010年10月發布的一份《感冒白皮書》,為我們揭露了有關感冒的三個“一”真相。第一個“一”︰感冒是一種由 病毒引起的上呼吸道感染“綜合症”,有超過100種以上的病毒可能誘發感冒;第二個“一”︰一般來說,感冒的症狀會持續一星期,不論服藥與否;第三個 “一”︰感冒的起點,應該是出現症狀的一天前,此時病毒已經在你的體內潛伏。

University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health in October 2010 issued a "cold white paper" on a cold for us to expose the three "one" truth. The first "one": a cold is an upper respiratory tract caused by a virus infection "syndrome", with more than 100 kinds of viruses may induce a cold; second "one": In general, the symptoms of a cold will last a weeks, regardless of medication or not; third "one": a cold start, it should be the day before symptoms appear, this time the virus has been stationed in your body.

更確切地說,感冒病毒會在體內潛伏18—48個小時,然後突然爆發。最早出現的症狀主要包括咽喉腫痛、打噴嚏、鼻塞流涕、身體疲倦。在英文中,由於 “感冒”和“寒冷”為同一詞,很多人都覺得感冒是“凍出來的”。“事實並非如此。不管你是衣服穿得太少、光腳走在地上還是頭發沒吹乾就出門,這些都不會導 致你感冒———但是會導致抵抗力下降,讓病毒們有機可乘。”美國註冊護理師菲利斯‧布朗說,相比之下,乾燥更容易帶來感冒,因為身體黏膜的抗病毒能力會因為缺水而下降。

Rather, the cold virus latent in the body 18-48 hours, then suddenly broke out. The earliest symptoms include sore throat, sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, body fatigue. In English, the "cold" and "cold" for the same word, many people feel a cold is "frozen out." "This is not the case. Whether you are dressed too little, walking barefoot on the floor or on the hair dryer did not go out, they will not cause you a cold - but will lead to decreased resistance, so that they can take advantage of the virus. "The United States registered nurse, Phyllis Brown, in contrast, is more likely to result in dry and cold, because the body mucosa of the anti-viral capacity will decline because of lack of water.

感冒攻擊每個人的次數也不一樣。根據美國疾病預防控制中心的統計,兒童每年會感冒8—10次,上學的孩子會達到12次之多,這不是因為他們抵抗力差, 而是因為孩子們關係更親密,病毒傳播的幾率大。相比來說,“冷漠”的成人們每年得感冒2—4次,女性多於男性,30歲左右的女性最易中招,因為她們是照顧孩子的主力軍。年過60以後,感冒次數會減少,平均每年1次。

Cold attacks are not the same number of each person. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, children's colds per year 8 - 10 times, school children will reach 12 times, not because their resistance is low, but because children are closer together, a great chance of virus transmission . In contrast, "cold" and as people get colds per year 2 - 4 times more women than men, 30-year-old women most likely misled, because they are the main force to take care of the child. After over 60 years, will reduce the number of colds an average of 1 per year.


disorder medicine as a good rest 


"cold White Paper" also pointed out that many people do not know, in fact, not too cold treatment. Some people take antibiotics, in fact, antibiotics can not eliminate the virus, random medication may be worse. The main effect of cold medicine to alleviate symptoms and make you feel feel better, rest better, but it does not shorten the course. So, what kinds of things to be done after a cold? United States, "Health broadcast network" that the following nine things essential. 


first step: to find a bed. After a cold, the best point to your own bed sheets to lie down comfortably. Do not think of going to work, not stronger hold on to go out together, play or exercise. Department of Respiratory Medicine, PLA General Hospital, said Director-Ning Liu, sleep is "the best cold medicine," we must ensure that every 8 hours of sleep. If possible, leave the best 1-2 days rest at home, which can transmit the disease to others, Major General. 



Step two: up at Vitamin C. Whether vitamin C supplements or eat fruits rich in vitamin C, such as dates, oranges, kiwi, orange, grapefruit, etc., can play a role in easing cold symptoms. In general, Kirsch C content of fruit are a lot of dimension. Drink orange juice in the fill-dimensional C but also can eliminate the discomfort in the mouth. 


third step: eat a piece of dark chocolate. It is not only to supplement the anti-oxidants, University of London study also showed that theobromine contained in them are cough effectiveness. 


Step four: Open the humidifier. Autumn and winter dry air makes respiratory discomfort, placed at the bedside or sofa side of the humidifier, allowing you to breathe more smoothly. Before use, thoroughly wash the best, to avoid spreading the virus through. 



Step five: eat liquid food. Soup and porridge are a good choice. Chicken soup for centuries are circulating a cold statement, British researchers found that this makes sense, because some elements in the chicken soup to reduce cough, soup and porridge, and the steam also helps to relieve congestion. 


sixth step: a change in a large glass. Ensure drink 2,000 ml of water, part of which is best electrolyte drink. 


Step Seven: stay away from dairy products. Ning Liu said, cheese and other difficult to digest dairy products, cold is best not to eat, but you can drink milk properly. If poor appetite, you can drink yogurt. 


Eighth step: taking non-prescription drugs. Ibuprofen, paracetamol or cough syrup and other non-prescription medicines can relieve flu symptoms. Ning Liu said that while these drugs can not be anti-virus, but can make you feel better. 


Step Nine: patiently waiting for it in the past. Your disease will take 7 days to go away. However, if symptoms continued or worsened dramatically better go to the hospital for a doctor diagnosis.


against a cold three treasures 


cold, although not ill, but allows the continued symptoms many people feel ill at ease. In this regard, "cold white paper" for sore throat, cough, nasal congestion, the three major symptoms, given the mitigation tips. 


sore throat: salt water. To 7.5 grams of salt dissolved in 250 ml warm water, slowly to relieve sore throat gargle, mouthwash once every 6-8 hours. Do not use harsh mouthwash, they may exacerbate respiratory dry. Swallowing hard food, the best slow, so as not to scratch the throat. If the sound hoarse, to avoid talking in a noisy environment or shouting. You can also prepare some tablets or spray, symptoms of heavy use.


cough: a cough syrup. Cough clearance of exogenous substances in the body as a means, but a bad cough can affect sleep or cause chest pain. The best way is to drink at the time of severe cough cough syrup. 


nose: hot steam. The best time to blow your nose with a soft tissue, which can be rubbed against his nose broken. Never blow your nose too hard, the standard level is appropriate ear can not hear buzzing, so as not to damage the eardrum. If the nose is difficult to blow out, can "smell" hot steam or peppermint oil, or use nose drops. 





